July news

Right now it’s feeling pretty wintery in Blackheath, under Turneresque skies, We reckon it makes good sense to make hay while the sun shines, and make art when it doesn’t. Our creative community knows the best way to stay warm and full of serotonin is making art together in our beautiful Barts building which is warm, dry with lovely, even light.

We encourage you to take advantage of this indoors weather to sign up for a workshop or a class, or join a studio group, or just drop in to use the space for your current project on Member Access days.

Grounds and sculpture garden

The new fence is coming soon, and fingers crossed, we can save that lovely eucalyptus tree that was struggling to survive the competition from the invasive tree species around it. Squint a bit with your mind’s eye and you can visualise the proposed sculpture garden along the Western boundary. The bare patch to the East of the clay shed is the footprint of a new building to house our current kiln and the new one on order.

Our proposed sculpture garden opens the possibility of memorial donations to the space. If you are interested, please contact us at info@blackheathart.com.

Online members gallery

We appreciate that many of our members miss the Members Gallery that was part of the old website. We have looked at several ways to improve on the old model, so it is more sustainable in terms of volunteer workload and gives each member much greater scope and control of their online information. Basically, BARTs will host the page, and each member will maintain their own content on an external link - either their own website or their Instagram page.

For each participating member, the new Members Gallery page will feature:

  • The name of the artist

  • One image

  • A hotlink to either the member’s Instagram feed or website.

There are many youtube tutorials on how to set up an Instagram account.

To be included on the Members Gallery page, send your name, an image and a link to info@blackheathart.com.

New treasurer

Robin Freedman

It’s lovely to announce that Robin Freedman is our new treasurer, succeeding recently retired Bruce Gray. We warmly welcome Robin and his left-brain skill set.

Three evening studio groups

Studio groups are cool things to join. There’s no explicit teacher or teaching. They are a kind of gathering of member artists working in a similar medium, and the fact that they work together in the space creates an opportunity for sharing of ideas and techniques and potentially coffee. Basically, you get to work on your own project surrounded by a supportive brains trust. 

To make Studio Groups more accessible to those locked in a typical work week, we are keen to explore more evening and weekend timeslots. Have a look here to see what might work for you.


Thursdays 4pm-7pm
Fortnightly, starts July 25

This fortnightly studio group of makers, stitchers, weavers, menders, knitters and textile-focused artists meets up to work on their on-going textile projects.

Interested? Send us an email here info@blackheathart.com, so we can get a rough idea of numbers.

Small sculpture group

Tuesdays 6pm-9pm
Weekly, starts July 23

This studio group is for sculptors interested in using wire and other found objects/materials to work on their individual found object assemblage sculpture. Participants in this group will be keen to exchange ideas about proportion and form and sculptural language. 

Those wishing to attend the group should bring their own materials and be ready to work on their own projects. Cost is to be advised.

For more info, please text: Paul Macdonald on 0407 414 261

Acrylic painting group

Tuesdays 6pm-9pm
Weekly, starts July 23

This studio group is for acrylic painters interested in painting independently on their own projects while exchanging techniques, ideas and inspiration with others in the group. Those wishing to attend the group should bring their own materials and be ready to work on their own projects.

For more info, please contact Beth Macdonald-Tucker on bmtartist@gmail.com.

Please note: The small sculpture and acrylic painting group will be sharing the studio space on a Tuesday night.

Dates for the diary

Members Drinks
Friday August 2nd

Come and join us up at BARTS  on Friday August 2 between 5pm - 7pm. Catch up with other members over a glass of wine and some nibbles. It’s always a nice vibe and a chance to meet some new people and make them welcome. 

October Exhibition 
October long weekend (5th-7th October)

The Annual October exhibition will be held October 5 - 7 over the long weekend. For the first time ever, the exhibition will welcome three-dimensional work as well as 2D. We are a bit excited to be able to open up the chance to exhibit to all of our members. We’ll be posting further details and deadlines and wotnot on the website in the coming months. 

Market Day
Sunday December 1st

Early heads up for the amazingly organised. Barts will hold its inaugural fundraising Market Day on Sunday December 1. It is still in the planning phase, but we know it will involve the sale of works by different Studio Groups (think Christmas gifts!), food, music and activities, and hopefully, brilliant first-day-of-summer weather.


September news


The Barchibalds + Open Day 2024